Conrad de meester
« Bonjour, ami ! J'ai remarqué que tout homme est un chasseur. Il est à l'affût du bonheur. » Ainsi commence ce livre qui nous invite, nous les affairés, à reconnaître et à accueillir comme des enfants les merveilles qui sont prodiguées chaque jour : la vie, le monde, nos frères. Surtout, il s'agit d'être attentif à la personne du Christ, seul espoir de bonheur. Mais que faire pour le rencontrer ? Éclairant sans cesse l'abîme intérieur par des anecdotes qui nous ramènent à la vie concrète, l'auteur sait faire le lien entre engagement et abandon, effort humain et prière grande ouverte sur le Dieu vivant. Ces pages forment un authentique traité de la réceptivité chrétienne sous de multiples aspects. Écrites avec chaleur et couleur, elles peuvent aider tout un chacun à découvrir un sens et un Visage, pour son bonheur.
‘Good day to you, my friend! I have noticed that all men are hunters. They are all chasing happiness.' So begins this book which invites us, all busy people, to recognise and receive the marvels bestowed each day, in a childlike manner: life, the world, our brothers and sisters. It's especially important to pay attention to the person of Christ, our only hope of happiness. But what can we do to meet him? Constantly enlightening our inner darkness with anecdotes that refer to real-life situations, the author knows how to make a link between engagement and abandon, human effort and prayer open to the living God. These pages are a veritable treatise of Christian receptivity in its many facets. Written with warmth and colour, they can help all of us to find meaning and a Face, for our own happiness.
‘Good day to you, my friend! I have noticed that all men are hunters. They are all chasing happiness.' So begins this book which invites us, all busy people, to recognise and receive the marvels bestowed each day, in a childlike manner: life, the world, our brothers and sisters. It's especially important to pay attention to the person of Christ, our only hope of happiness. But what can we do to meet him? Constantly enlightening our inner darkness with anecdotes that refer to real-life situations, the author knows how to make a link between engagement and abandon, human effort and prayer open to the living God. These pages are a veritable treatise of Christian receptivity in its many facets. Written with warmth and colour, they can help all of us to find meaning and a Face, for our own happiness.
Trésors christianisme
Date de parution
18 mm x 200 mm x 135 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date