Léon cassiers
Face aux grands problèmes de la fin de vie, de la procréation médicalement assistée, de la prise en charge des personnes dépendantes, etc. qu'est-ce qui, au-delà de nos différences, pourrait constituer un noyau d'accord commun sur nos valeurs de base ? Les valeurs éthiques n'ont-elles que la consistance circonstancielle que leur apportent des majorités politiques provisoires ? Cet essai répond à une ambition peut-être naïve : rechercher un terrain commun, dont on pourrait tirer quelques valeurs admissibles par tout humain. Pour cela, l'auteur dégage les concepts fondamentaux des éthiques traditionnelles et propose a son tour un système de pensée qui se fonderait sur les structures du psychisme humain, système qu'il appelle « l'éthique de l'homme ordinaire », cet homme sans formation particulière existant avec son bon sens et son expérience. Il développe une véritable théorie de l'esprit de l'être humain et de sa dignité.
When we have to confront major choices in life - such as medical reproductive assistance, or having to deal with dependent relatives - is it possible to find a core of basic values that surpass our differences, references that all can share? Isn't it true that ethical standards only possess the authority of circumstance allotted to them by temporary political majorities? The ambition of this essay is perhaps naive: it sets out to find a common ground from which we can draw values acceptable to all human beings. To do this, the author identifies the fundamental concepts of traditional ethics and proposes a system of thought founded on the structures of the human psyche, a system he calls ‘the ethics of the common man' - a man with no special training, who lives by virtue of his common sense and experience. The author develops an authentic theory of the spirit, the human being and his dignity.
When we have to confront major choices in life - such as medical reproductive assistance, or having to deal with dependent relatives - is it possible to find a core of basic values that surpass our differences, references that all can share? Isn't it true that ethical standards only possess the authority of circumstance allotted to them by temporary political majorities? The ambition of this essay is perhaps naive: it sets out to find a common ground from which we can draw values acceptable to all human beings. To do this, the author identifies the fundamental concepts of traditional ethics and proposes a system of thought founded on the structures of the human psyche, a system he calls ‘the ethics of the common man' - a man with no special training, who lives by virtue of his common sense and experience. The author develops an authentic theory of the spirit, the human being and his dignity.
Recherches morales
Date de parution
22 mm x 217 mm x 137 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date