Noel marie
Les « Notes intimes » de Marie Noël (1883-1967), l'un des plus grands poètes catholiques français, ont été publiées huit ans avant sa mort. Jusqu'à une date récente, on les subordonnait généralement à l'oeuvre poétique. Dans ce premier ouvrage leur étant consacré en France, Jeanne-Marie Baude met en évidence la singularité et la richesse de ces Notes. Elles ne cessent de surprendre par leur « âpre suc », qui inquiétait l'auteur, effrayée elle-même par l'audace de ses pensées. Leur grandeur et leur force proviennent de cette audace, servie par la vigueur d'une prose libérée des conventions, et qui passe de la vivacité familière ou de l'humour noir à la gravité ou à la ferveur. Les lecteurs d'aujourd'hui, qu'ils soient croyants ou non, seront sensibles à cette voix fraternelle qui s'interroge, dans la solitude, sur le sens de l'existence. Distance par rapport aux conformismes, exploration des limites, et surtout ardeur d'une foi qui reste fidèle jusque dans le doute : ces « Notes intimes » tiennent le lecteur constamment en éveil tant par leur beauté que par leur profondeur spirituelle.
Notes intimes by Marie Noël (1883-1967), one of the greatest French Catholic poets, was published eight years before her death but until very recently, considered inferior to her poetic production. Jeanne-Marie Baude, in this first book devoted to the Notes in France, highlights their originality and depth, their ‘bitter sweetness' that never ceases to surprise - as it worried even their author, who was alarmed by the audacity of her own thoughts. The greatness and strength of Notes is the fruit of this boldness the work is invigorated by prose that is free of all conventions and swings from lively familiarity and black humour to gravity and fervour. Today's readers - believers or not- will respond to this fraternal voice as it ponders the meaning of existence. With their unconventional tone, their exploration of limits and especially their ardour of a faith that stands firm even in doubt, these Notes intimes keep the reader constantly alert, by their beauty and their spiritual profundity.
Notes intimes by Marie Noël (1883-1967), one of the greatest French Catholic poets, was published eight years before her death but until very recently, considered inferior to her poetic production. Jeanne-Marie Baude, in this first book devoted to the Notes in France, highlights their originality and depth, their ‘bitter sweetness' that never ceases to surprise - as it worried even their author, who was alarmed by the audacity of her own thoughts. The greatness and strength of Notes is the fruit of this boldness the work is invigorated by prose that is free of all conventions and swings from lively familiarity and black humour to gravity and fervour. Today's readers - believers or not- will respond to this fraternal voice as it ponders the meaning of existence. With their unconventional tone, their exploration of limits and especially their ardour of a faith that stands firm even in doubt, these Notes intimes keep the reader constantly alert, by their beauty and their spiritual profundity.
Date de parution
15 mm x 197 mm x 125 mm
Nombre de pages
Disponible sous 3/4 jours