Bernard de clairvaux bernard de clairvaux
La collection des « Sermons variés » est un regroupement récent (1970) de neuf sermons jusqu'alors épars dans les manuscrits, auxquels un dixième, pour la fête de saint Benoît, est venu s'ajouter en 1998. Si ces sermons ont un style moins achevé que ceux que Bernard a lui-même publiés, les lecteurs reconnaîtront vite la marque de leur auteur dans la doctrine qu'ils présentent — que ce soit les sermons pour l'Avent, pour l'Épiphanie, pour quelques saints (Paul, Victor, Benoît, Malachie), ou encore les sermons sur la volonté de Dieu, sur les sept miséricordes du Seigneur et sur les sept dons du Saint-Esprit.
The ‘Sermons variés' collection is a recent assemblage (1970) of nine sermons which, until now, were scattered throughout manuscripts, and to which a tenth, for the feast of Saint Benedict, was added in 1998. If these sermons have a less polished style than those Bernard himself published, the readers will quickly recognise their author's stamp in the doctrine they present — whether it be the sermons for Advent, Epiphany, for certain saints (Paul, Victor, Benedict, Malachy), or the sermons on the will of God, the seven mercies of the Lord and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
The ‘Sermons variés' collection is a recent assemblage (1970) of nine sermons which, until now, were scattered throughout manuscripts, and to which a tenth, for the feast of Saint Benedict, was added in 1998. If these sermons have a less polished style than those Bernard himself published, the readers will quickly recognise their author's stamp in the doctrine they present — whether it be the sermons for Advent, Epiphany, for certain saints (Paul, Victor, Benedict, Malachy), or the sermons on the will of God, the seven mercies of the Lord and the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Sources chrétiennes
Date de parution
25 mm x 195 mm x 125 mm
Nombre de pages
Disponible sous 3/4 jours