Catherine masson
Le concile Vatican II est considéré comme un moment fort de la reconnaissance de la mission des laïcs dans l'Église et dans le monde. Les deux grands textes « Lumen gentium » et « Gaudium et spes » ont renouvelé la réflexion sur la place qu'ils y tiennent par leur baptême, même si le mouvement avait commencé bien avant cet événement marquant de l'histoire de l'Église du XXe siècle. Il a libéré des initiatives, de façon un peu anarchique d'abord. Ses textes eux-mêmes, peu lus et approfondis dans un premier temps, continuent à nourrir la vie de l'Église et des chrétiens. Cet ouvrage met en lumière l'interaction entre les diverses initiatives de laïcs, les travaux des théologiens et les interventions des papes, à travers quelque cinquante ans de l'histoire du laïcat dans l'Église de France : une Église qui oscille entre triomphalisme et enfouissement, qui traverse des crises comme celle de Mai 1968 ou que trouble la chute des vocations sacerdotales une Église où surgissent aussi de multiples signes de renouveau. Le concile Vatican II et les interpellations de Paul VI ou de Jean-Paul II éclairent, réorientent et stimulent les diverses formes d'engagement des enfants, des jeunes et des adultes qui, de l'Action catholique aux Communautés nouvelles en passant par le scoutisme ou les mouvements de spiritualité, mais aussi par les engagements dans la vie de la cité comme dans la vie ecclésiale, concrétisent la réponse des chrétiens à l'appel du Christ à être tout à la fois « Sel de la terre » et « Lumière du monde ».
The Vatican II council is considered to be an important stage in the recognition of the laity's mission in the Church and the world. The two great texts ‘Lumen gentium' and ‘Gaudium et spes' revived our reflection on the role laypeople merit through their baptism, even if the trend dates from long before that great event which marked the history of the Church in the 20th century. It opened the way for new initiatives, if at first in a rather disorderly way. The texts themselves, little read and studied at the beginning, continue to nourish the life of the Church and Christians today. This book highlights the interaction between the diverse initiatives of the laity, the work of theologians and the intercessions of popes through fifty years of history of the laity in France's Church: a Church that wavers between triumphalism and discretion which went through crises like that of May 1968 and is troubled by the fall in sacerdotal vocations a Church in which many signs of renewal also emerge. The Vatican II Council and the interpellations of Paul VI or Jean-Paul II elucidate, re-orient and stimulate the various forms of engagement open to children, teenagers and adults who, from Action catholique to new Communities - not forgetting the Scouts, spiritual movements, and their actions in associations or the life of the Church - manifest the Christian's response to Christ's call for us to be both ‘the salt of the Earth' and the ‘Light of the World'.
The Vatican II council is considered to be an important stage in the recognition of the laity's mission in the Church and the world. The two great texts ‘Lumen gentium' and ‘Gaudium et spes' revived our reflection on the role laypeople merit through their baptism, even if the trend dates from long before that great event which marked the history of the Church in the 20th century. It opened the way for new initiatives, if at first in a rather disorderly way. The texts themselves, little read and studied at the beginning, continue to nourish the life of the Church and Christians today. This book highlights the interaction between the diverse initiatives of the laity, the work of theologians and the intercessions of popes through fifty years of history of the laity in France's Church: a Church that wavers between triumphalism and discretion which went through crises like that of May 1968 and is troubled by the fall in sacerdotal vocations a Church in which many signs of renewal also emerge. The Vatican II Council and the interpellations of Paul VI or Jean-Paul II elucidate, re-orient and stimulate the various forms of engagement open to children, teenagers and adults who, from Action catholique to new Communities - not forgetting the Scouts, spiritual movements, and their actions in associations or the life of the Church - manifest the Christian's response to Christ's call for us to be both ‘the salt of the Earth' and the ‘Light of the World'.
Petits cerf his
Date de parution
22 mm x 197 mm x 125 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date