Guillaume de tanoüarn
Pourquoi un nouveau livre sur Pascal ? Serait-ce, selon la formule précautionneuse de Jean Orcibal, pour « rejoindre le Pascal de l'histoire » ? Non, il s'agit d'autre chose. Guillaume de Tanoüarn s'engage dans une démarche singulière qu'il décrit ainsi : « Dès l'instant où je me suis sérieusement confronté à l'auteur des Pensées", j'ai été comme aimanté par ce texte provocateur, impératif et parfois obscur que l'on appelle couramment le "Pari de Pascal". J'ai voulu mâcher et remâcher les fragments ordonnés de la réflexion pascalienne, et j'en suis venu à considérer que ces quelques pages offraient un débouché au coeur même de la fabrique mentale du jeune prodige, en fournissant une sorte de résumé, à la fois abouti et allusif, de toute la démarche de l'homme, du savant, du philosophe et du théologien "sur la vérité de la religion chrétienne" ». Au fil des pages, on découvre un Pascal qui n'est ni un homme de réponses toutes faites, ni un homme en quête du moindre mal ou d'on ne sait quelle assurance-survie. Il est l'homme déterminé qui cherche le point fixe sur lequel appuyer toute son existence, un Pascal toujours en question. Sceptique ? Oui, si l'on comprend le scepticisme de Pascal comme l'autre nom de sa foi. C'est le premier objet de son célèbre Pari que de le démontrer.
Why a new book about Pascal? Could it be, according to Jean Orcibal's precautious saying, in order to ‘meet the Pascal of history'? No, it is for quite another reason. Guillaume de Tanoüarn has adopted a different approach which he describes in these words: "The moment I was seriously confronted with the author of Les Pensées, it was as though I had been magnetized by this provocative, imperative and sometimes obscure text commonly known as ‘Pascal's Gamble'. I wanted to chew over those orderly fragments of Pascalian reflection again and again, and I have come to consider that these pages provide an opening into the very heart of the young genius' mental fabric, a sort of résumé that is both accomplished and allusive regarding how men - scholars, philosophers and theologians - approach ‘the truth of the Christian religion'." As the pages turn, we discover a Pascal who is neither a man of ready-made answers nor one seeking a lesser evil or some drummed-up survival guarantee. He is a determined man who searches for that fixed point upon which he can focus his entire existence, an ever-questioning Pascal. A sceptic? Yes, if we understand Pascal's scepticism as another name for his Faith. The main object of his famous ‘Gamble' was to demonstrate this."
Why a new book about Pascal? Could it be, according to Jean Orcibal's precautious saying, in order to ‘meet the Pascal of history'? No, it is for quite another reason. Guillaume de Tanoüarn has adopted a different approach which he describes in these words: "The moment I was seriously confronted with the author of Les Pensées, it was as though I had been magnetized by this provocative, imperative and sometimes obscure text commonly known as ‘Pascal's Gamble'. I wanted to chew over those orderly fragments of Pascalian reflection again and again, and I have come to consider that these pages provide an opening into the very heart of the young genius' mental fabric, a sort of résumé that is both accomplished and allusive regarding how men - scholars, philosophers and theologians - approach ‘the truth of the Christian religion'." As the pages turn, we discover a Pascal who is neither a man of ready-made answers nor one seeking a lesser evil or some drummed-up survival guarantee. He is a determined man who searches for that fixed point upon which he can focus his entire existence, an ever-questioning Pascal. A sceptic? Yes, if we understand Pascal's scepticism as another name for his Faith. The main object of his famous ‘Gamble' was to demonstrate this."
Date de parution
21 mm x 220 mm x 135 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date