Stéphane mosès
Le présent ouvrage réunit les conférences que Stéphane Mosès (Berlin, 1931 - Paris, 2007) a prononcées en janvier 2006, en tant que titulaire de la chaire de métaphysique Étienne-Gilson, à l'Institut catholique de Paris. Connu dès 1982, après la publication de son magistral ouvrage « Système et révélation chez Franz Rosenzweig », préfacé par Emmanuel Levinas, son nom sera définitivement associé à l'auteur de « L'Étoile de la Rédemption ». Aussi bien fut-il un commentateur assidu des grands moments de la pensée juive moderne et contemporaine (Mendelssohn, Benjamin, Scholem, Kafka, Jabès, Arendt, Celan) ou de la philosophie allemande (Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche), y associant une incessante méditation de la Bible et du Talmud. C'est en examinant les différents types de relations aux textes pratiquées par les divers penseurs juifs, qu'il théorise progressivement une distinction, centralement exploitée ici, qui concerne la longue trajectoire de la pensée juive moderne depuis Moses Mendelssohn, entre « modernité normative » et « modernité critique ». Stéphane Mosès élabore donc ici une logique d'interrogations premières, indiquant la manière anticipatrice dont une certaine pensée juive, dès le début du XXe siècle, affronte jusqu'en ses points de rupture la crise de la métaphysique classique et en répond selon les réquisits de l'« universel ».
This book assembles the conferences given by Stéphane Mosès (Berlin, 1931 - Paris, 2007) in January 2006, when he held the Étienne-Gilson chair of Metaphysics at the Institut catholique in Paris. Known to the public as early as 1982 after the publication of his masterly work Système et révélation chez Franz Rosenzweig prefaced by Emmanuel Levinas, his name was forever associated with the author of The Star of Redemption. He wrote ardently about the great periods of modern and contemporary Jewish thought (Mendelssohn, Benjamin, Scholem, Kafka, Jabès, Arendt, Celan) and German philosophy (Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche), associating his constant meditation of the Bible and the Talmud. It is by examining the different types of relations to the texts of various Jewish thinkers that he progressively came to theorize a distinction, which is exploited centrally here: it concerns the long trajectory of modern Jewish thought since Moses Mendelssohn, between normative modernity" and "critical modernity". In this book, Stéphane Mosès adopts an approach of primary interrogations, pointing out the anticipatory way in which certain Jewish thinkers, at the beginning of the 20th century, confront the crisis of classic metaphysics even to its points of rupture, and respond in keeping with the requisites of the "universal"."
This book assembles the conferences given by Stéphane Mosès (Berlin, 1931 - Paris, 2007) in January 2006, when he held the Étienne-Gilson chair of Metaphysics at the Institut catholique in Paris. Known to the public as early as 1982 after the publication of his masterly work Système et révélation chez Franz Rosenzweig prefaced by Emmanuel Levinas, his name was forever associated with the author of The Star of Redemption. He wrote ardently about the great periods of modern and contemporary Jewish thought (Mendelssohn, Benjamin, Scholem, Kafka, Jabès, Arendt, Celan) and German philosophy (Hegel, Schelling, Nietzsche), associating his constant meditation of the Bible and the Talmud. It is by examining the different types of relations to the texts of various Jewish thinkers that he progressively came to theorize a distinction, which is exploited centrally here: it concerns the long trajectory of modern Jewish thought since Moses Mendelssohn, between normative modernity" and "critical modernity". In this book, Stéphane Mosès adopts an approach of primary interrogations, pointing out the anticipatory way in which certain Jewish thinkers, at the beginning of the 20th century, confront the crisis of classic metaphysics even to its points of rupture, and respond in keeping with the requisites of the "universal"."
Philosophie et théologie
Date de parution
13 mm x 216 mm x 139 mm
Nombre de pages
Nombre de pages
Disponible sous 3/4 jours