Christian duquoc
Jésus demeure une énigme. Pour beaucoup, il est un sage dont la morale est encore actuelle. Les chrétiens partagent la foi de l'Église primitive qui confessa la résurrection du prophète galiléen et le reconnut Fils de Dieu. Les évangélistes relurent son parcours terrestre en fonction de l'événement de Pâques. Annonce du Règne de Dieu, espérance dévoilée, guérisons réalisées, enthousiasmes déçus, conflits latents, oppositions fortes menèrent à la tragédie finale. L'âme de cette geste originale fut la liberté avec laquelle Jésus affronta les questions les plus quotidiennes et les plus radicales. Il ne s'inféoda à aucun parti, se démarqua de la tradition, prit ses distances à l'égard de la Loi, évita la surenchère politique. Sa liberté de parole et d'action ébranla les évidences religieuses, sociales et politiques. Jésus témoigna de la vitalité de la foi d'Israël : il fit entièrement confiance au Dieu d'Abraham et de Moïse jusque dans la mort. Cet ouvrage n'a pas pour but de résoudre l'énigme, mais d'en mettre en lumière la vigoureuse actualité.
Jesus remains an enigma. For many, he is a figure of wisdom whose moral values are still pertinent today. Christians share the faith of the primitive Church that confessed the resurrection of the prophet from Galilee, and recognised him as the Son of God. The evangelists re-read his earthly life in the light of the Easter event. The proclamation of the Kingdom of God, hope unveiled, the sick cured, disappointed enthusiasms, latent conflicts, and strong oppositions led to the final tragedy. The soul of the original gesture was the freedom with which Jesus confronted the most banal and the most radical questions. He belonged to no party, took his distance from tradition and the Law, avoided political conflict. His freedom of speech and action shook political, social and religious certainties. Jesus was a testimony of the vitality of Israel's faith: he put all his trust in the God of Abraham and Moses, until his death. This book will not solve the enigma, but throw light on its dynamic modernity.
Jesus remains an enigma. For many, he is a figure of wisdom whose moral values are still pertinent today. Christians share the faith of the primitive Church that confessed the resurrection of the prophet from Galilee, and recognised him as the Son of God. The evangelists re-read his earthly life in the light of the Easter event. The proclamation of the Kingdom of God, hope unveiled, the sick cured, disappointed enthusiasms, latent conflicts, and strong oppositions led to the final tragedy. The soul of the original gesture was the freedom with which Jesus confronted the most banal and the most radical questions. He belonged to no party, took his distance from tradition and the Law, avoided political conflict. His freedom of speech and action shook political, social and religious certainties. Jesus was a testimony of the vitality of Israel's faith: he put all his trust in the God of Abraham and Moses, until his death. This book will not solve the enigma, but throw light on its dynamic modernity.
Date de parution
10 mm x 235 mm x 145 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date