Katell berthelot
Composée de neuf volumes, la « Bibliothèque de Qumrân » a l'ambition d'offrir à tous un accès à des textes difficiles surgis d'un lointain passé et qui jettent une lumière renouvelée sur les racines de la culture occidentale. Avec cette publication, on disposera de la totalité des quelque neuf cents manuscrits exhumés de onze grottes environnant le site de Qumrân. Les divers écrits sont classés thématiquement, en suivant l'ordre des livres de la Bible hébraïque. Ce volume est le deuxième de la série. Il présente les textes liés aux livres de l'Exode, du Lévitique et des Nombres.
Made up of nine volumes, the vocation of the ‘Bibliothèque de Qumrân' is to offer all readers access to difficult texts that have emerged from the distant past to cast new light on the roots of Western culture. With this publication, readers will have the entire nine hundred manuscripts - found and recovered from eleven caves around the site of Qumrân - at their disposition. The writings are organized thematically, following the order of the books in the Hebrew Bible. This book is the second in the series. It presents the texts associated with the Books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.
Made up of nine volumes, the vocation of the ‘Bibliothèque de Qumrân' is to offer all readers access to difficult texts that have emerged from the distant past to cast new light on the roots of Western culture. With this publication, readers will have the entire nine hundred manuscripts - found and recovered from eleven caves around the site of Qumrân - at their disposition. The writings are organized thematically, following the order of the books in the Hebrew Bible. This book is the second in the series. It presents the texts associated with the Books of Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers.
Date de parution
25 mm x 235 mm x 157 mm
Nombre de pages
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