Gérard-henry baudry
Ce livre est une introduction au monde des symboles du christianisme antique jusqu'au VIIe siècle. Il ne s'intéresse pas seulement aux formes verbales ou littéraires mais aussi à tout symbole visuel. Il s'agit donc d'oeuvres peintes, de mosaïques, de sculptures ou de gravures sur des matériaux divers, mais aussi de symboles repérables dans les formes architecturales et dans l'organisation de l'espace. Trois chapitres de ce volume sont consacrés aux symboles christologiques, vétéro-testamentaires et néo-testamentaires. Pour autant, la vision qu'il donne ne se limite pas aux aspects de la symbologie liés aux Écritures. Il prend en considération tout ce qui concerne la vie quotidienne et sociale ainsi que le rapport avec la nature et le cosmos. Les oeuvres d'art et les symboles reproduits dans cet ouvrage constituent la plus importante somme iconographique pour un livre de synthèse et d'introduction au monde du symbole.
This book is an introduction to symbols, from ancient Christianity to the 7th century. Not confined to verbal or literary forms, it focuses on all visual symbols. So we have paintings, mosaics, sculptures and engravings on various supports, but also symbols we can identify in architectural forms and the organisation of space. Three chapters are devoted to Christological symbols, from the Old and New Testaments. Yet the vision it presents is not limited to aspects of symbology linked to the Scriptures it also takes into account all that concerns everyday life in society as well as our relation with nature and the cosmos. The artworks and symbols reproduced here constitute the most substantial iconographical reference available in any synthetic introduction to the world of symbols.
This book is an introduction to symbols, from ancient Christianity to the 7th century. Not confined to verbal or literary forms, it focuses on all visual symbols. So we have paintings, mosaics, sculptures and engravings on various supports, but also symbols we can identify in architectural forms and the organisation of space. Three chapters are devoted to Christological symbols, from the Old and New Testaments. Yet the vision it presents is not limited to aspects of symbology linked to the Scriptures it also takes into account all that concerns everyday life in society as well as our relation with nature and the cosmos. The artworks and symbols reproduced here constitute the most substantial iconographical reference available in any synthetic introduction to the world of symbols.
Date de parution
Date de parution
20 mm x 300 mm x 240 mm
30.00 cm x 24.00 cm
Nombre de pages
Nombre de pages
Réimpression en cours