Henri nouwen
Lors d'un séjour en France, Henri Nouwen, écrivain spirituel de renommée mondiale, constate que son travail d'écriture n'avance pas, comme si son esprit « souffrait de crampes ». Contrarié et découragé, il décida de se rendre à Lourdes afin de permettre à « son coeur angoissé de trouver le repos ». Ce court journal est le fruit de ce passage de trois jours dans ce haut lieu de spiritualité. En résulte un texte caractéristique des écrits de Nouwen : personnel, simple et profondément inspirant. Nouwen rattache ses réflexions aux principaux symboles qu'il rencontre à Lourdes : l'eau, unie grosse pierre, la grotte et la basilique. Cet écrit ne manquera pas de toucher les personnes en quête de sens, les aidant à retrouver leur propre sanctuaire intérieur, là où le Christ vit en nous.
While sojourning in France, Henri Nouwen, the world-famous spiritual writer, noted that his writing was making little progress, as though his spirit ‘were suffering from cramp'. Frustrated and disheartened, he decided to visit Lourdes to permit ‘his anguished heart to seek repose'. This brief journal is the fruit of three days' stay in that centre of great spirituality. The resulting text is characteristic of Nouwen's writings: personal, simple and profoundly inspiring. Nouwen links his reflections to the principle symbols he encountered at Lourdes: the water, a large rock, the grotto and the basilica. This text will resonate within all those in search of meaning, enabling them to find their own inner sanctuary, that place where Christ dwells within us all.
While sojourning in France, Henri Nouwen, the world-famous spiritual writer, noted that his writing was making little progress, as though his spirit ‘were suffering from cramp'. Frustrated and disheartened, he decided to visit Lourdes to permit ‘his anguished heart to seek repose'. This brief journal is the fruit of three days' stay in that centre of great spirituality. The resulting text is characteristic of Nouwen's writings: personal, simple and profoundly inspiring. Nouwen links his reflections to the principle symbols he encountered at Lourdes: the water, a large rock, the grotto and the basilica. This text will resonate within all those in search of meaning, enabling them to find their own inner sanctuary, that place where Christ dwells within us all.
Date de parution
Date de parution
5 mm x 200 mm x 110 mm
20.00 cm x 11.00 cm
Nombre de pages
Nombre de pages
Réimpression en cours