Raymond winling
Dans ce nouveau livre, le professeur Winling propose de fournir des éléments d'information historiques et théologiques en vue d'une meilleure compréhension du mystère célébré à Noël. Une première partie historique, exégétique et théologique, s'attache à présenter les sources scripturaires de la fête et à en retracer l'évolution à l'époque des Pères de l'Église. On traite aussi des controverses au sujet de la naissance de Jésus et de son identité humano-divine. La seconde partie de l'ouvrage se fait plus méditative et pose des questions de fond. Alors même qu'elle est célébrée par le grand nombre, au point d'être un des moments commerciaux les plus forts de l'année, le sens profond de la fête de Noël est singulièrement méconnu. Paradoxe, que l'auteur signale avec tristesse. En revanche, il s'émerveille des trésors de sens et de poésie que recèle ce moment festif : Noël, c'est la célébration du mystère du Fils de Dieu qui s'est fait homme pour nous faire participer aux biens du salut. À ce titre, la nativité de Jésus représente le seuil décisif que franchit l'humanité dans ses rapports avec Dieu et là est la source d'une vraie joie. Dans ce beau livre, on trouvera une présentation rigoureuse et aussi synthétique que possible de la recherche actuelle sur le Christ. Mais Raymond Winling fait davantage : il offre à son lecteur une belle et solide réflexion méditative où le théologien partage sa foi dans le mystère qu'il étudie.
In this new book, Professor Winling presents elements of historical and theological information in the aim of transmitting deeper comprehension of the mystery we celebrate at Christmas. The first part is historical, exegetic and theological. It presents the Scriptural sources of the celebration and retraces evolution at the times of the Fathers of the Church. Controversy on the subject of the birth of Jesus and his human-divine identity is also treated. The second part of the book is more meditative, considering deeper issues. While a great many people celebrate Christmas, to the point of making it a high point in the business year, the deep meaning of the celebration is truly little-known - a paradox that the author observes with sadness. On the other hand, he marvels at the treasures of meaning and poetry attached to this festive season: Christmas, the celebration of the mystery of the Son of God made man, in order to make us players of our own salvation: in this respect, the nativity of Jesus represents the decisive moment that liberates humanity in its relationship with God, this is the source of pure joy. In this beautiful book, the author provides a thorough synopsis of today's research on Christ. But Raymond Winling does more than that: he offers readers a beautiful and sound meditative reflection, in which the theologian shares his own faith in the mystery he is studying.
In this new book, Professor Winling presents elements of historical and theological information in the aim of transmitting deeper comprehension of the mystery we celebrate at Christmas. The first part is historical, exegetic and theological. It presents the Scriptural sources of the celebration and retraces evolution at the times of the Fathers of the Church. Controversy on the subject of the birth of Jesus and his human-divine identity is also treated. The second part of the book is more meditative, considering deeper issues. While a great many people celebrate Christmas, to the point of making it a high point in the business year, the deep meaning of the celebration is truly little-known - a paradox that the author observes with sadness. On the other hand, he marvels at the treasures of meaning and poetry attached to this festive season: Christmas, the celebration of the mystery of the Son of God made man, in order to make us players of our own salvation: in this respect, the nativity of Jesus represents the decisive moment that liberates humanity in its relationship with God, this is the source of pure joy. In this beautiful book, the author provides a thorough synopsis of today's research on Christ. But Raymond Winling does more than that: he offers readers a beautiful and sound meditative reflection, in which the theologian shares his own faith in the mystery he is studying.
Date de parution
Date de parution
20 mm x 235 mm x 145 mm
23.50 cm x 14.50 cm x 3.50 cm
Nombre de pages
Nombre de pages
Réimpression en cours