Simone pacot
Pour oser la vie nouvelle offerte par le Christ, il nous faut accepter de traverser nos limites, reconnaître nos blessures, assumer la violence, la peur, la honte, accueillir la consolation afin de renouveler notre vie sur les chemins de Pâques tracés par Dieu. Ce livre, nourri de l'Écriture ainsi que des sciences humaines, peut nous aider à être moins démunis sur le trajet de reconstruction de notre être intérieur. Dans la démarche d'évangélisation des profondeurs, il nous apprend comment quitter les chemins de mort, nous réconcilier avec la vie, accueillir la joie paisible de la Résurrection.
In order to dare the new life Christ offers us, we must accept to push back our limits recognize our wounds assume violence, fear and shame welcome consolation: so that we can renew our lives on the way of the cross, traced out by God. This book, which draws on the scriptures as well as human sciences, will help us shed some of the drawbacks on the path of reconstruction of our inner being. In its deep evangelization approach, it teaches us how to quit the ways of death, reconcile ourselves with life and receive the peaceful joy of the Resurrection.
In order to dare the new life Christ offers us, we must accept to push back our limits recognize our wounds assume violence, fear and shame welcome consolation: so that we can renew our lives on the way of the cross, traced out by God. This book, which draws on the scriptures as well as human sciences, will help us shed some of the drawbacks on the path of reconstruction of our inner being. In its deep evangelization approach, it teaches us how to quit the ways of death, reconcile ourselves with life and receive the peaceful joy of the Resurrection.
Date de parution
31 mm x 196 mm x 135 mm
Nombre de pages
Disponible sous 3/4 jours