Philippe henne
Tertullien partage avec sa ville natale la même agitation fébrile, la même extravagance intellectuelle et la même violence fanatique. Carthage, détruite par les Romains, fut reconstruite par ses nouveaux maîtres. Ville portuaire indispensable pour l'Afrique, elle était sans cesse animée et les bateaux venaient de partout. Tertullien déploiera une activité tout aussi impressionnante. Ses traités furent tellement nombreux qu'on ne put tous les recopier. Ils abordaient les questions les plus diverses, mais toujours dans l'urgence. Le chrétien fraîchement converti lança ses apologies contre les païens et croisa le fer avec les hérétiques. La morale — en particulier la vie conjugale — devint un sujet de plus en plus préoccupant pour lui. C'est dans ce domaine qu'il fit preuve d'une rigueur étroite et intransigeante. Mais il ne négligea pas la pratique sacramentaire : il est le premier à offrir un véritable traité sur le baptême et sur la pénitence. Il restera à tout jamais le fondateur de la dogmatique latine : c'est lui qui fixa le concept de personne pour désigner le Père, le Fils et le Saint-Esprit. Comment un esprit aussi brillant a-t-il pu être aussi sévère dans ses jugements, insultant avec ses adversaires ? À nous de le découvrir.
Tertullian's character was an indication of his home town: intense, restless, with the same intellectual extravagance and fanatical violence. Carthage, destroyed by the Romans, was rebuilt by its new masters. An indispensable port for Africa, Carthage was constantly buzzing with boats coming into port from all over the world. Tertullian's activity was just as impressive. His treatises were so numerous that they couldn't all be copied. They were about the most diverse subjects, and always written in a hurry. The newly-converted Christian assailed the pagans with his arguments and drew swords with heretics. Morality— an married life in particular — became a subject that preoccupied him more and more. In this domain, his attitude was rigorous and intransigent. But he did not neglect the sacraments: he was the first person to offer an authentic treatise on baptism and penitence and he remains forever the founder of the Latin dogma: it was he who elaborated the concept of person to designate the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. How could a man with such a brilliant mind have been so unforgiving in his judgements, insulting to his adversaries? Let's begin find out...
Tertullian's character was an indication of his home town: intense, restless, with the same intellectual extravagance and fanatical violence. Carthage, destroyed by the Romans, was rebuilt by its new masters. An indispensable port for Africa, Carthage was constantly buzzing with boats coming into port from all over the world. Tertullian's activity was just as impressive. His treatises were so numerous that they couldn't all be copied. They were about the most diverse subjects, and always written in a hurry. The newly-converted Christian assailed the pagans with his arguments and drew swords with heretics. Morality— an married life in particular — became a subject that preoccupied him more and more. In this domain, his attitude was rigorous and intransigent. But he did not neglect the sacraments: he was the first person to offer an authentic treatise on baptism and penitence and he remains forever the founder of the Latin dogma: it was he who elaborated the concept of person to designate the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. How could a man with such a brilliant mind have been so unforgiving in his judgements, insulting to his adversaries? Let's begin find out...
Petits cerf his
Date de parution
26 mm x 198 mm x 129 mm
Nombre de pages
Manquant sans date